Ichimi Gun (Seiichi Yamura) - "NEVER DIE ~ TSUKYO BENEFIT RALLY"

Ichimi Gun (Seiichi Yamura)
04/10/10 - Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring
450 Fans (Sellout)

Seiichi Yamura spoke to the crowd before the event began.  He thanked the crowd for their attendance, noting that all tickets for both benefit rallies had sold out in advance, despite the tumultuous economy and general unpopularity of puroresu (especially independents).  He thanked all of the wrestlers for participating tonight, especially Ichimi Gun members who were working for free.

He then introduced TSUKYO, who entered to "Blood" waving the Ichimi Army flag to a thunderous applause.  "TSU-KY-OH!" chants were difficult to die down, the Shibuya Danger Man taking the mic with tears in his eyes.  He thanked the puroresu community for their support, and announced that he had a final appointment with his neurologist on the 23rd, and would be able to announce his future more clearly on the 04/24 event!  With that, the matches for the evening began.

1. Masao Ishii & Katsuo Ishida beat Shino Nakao & Mineo Ueda (7:34) when Ishida pinned Ueda after a Jackhammer. (**)
- Both Ishida and Nakao appear to have bulked up since their more recent appearances, Ishida now a true heavyweight and Nakao looking fierce, complete with a wild looking afro.  He and Ueda played the firey underdogs, but their personal issues got in the way towards the end.  Nakao eventually hit Ueda with a lariat out of frustration, leading to Ishida's Jackhammer.
- Nakao: "Fuck little Ueda! [...] Maybe I should join up with the Devils...?"
- Ishii: "Is this what Yamura is paying us for? [...] Forget TSUKYO!  If Yamura wants an interesting show, tell him to fight me!"
- Ishida: "I like the way Nakao thinks.  If he wants to join us I'll test him next on the , and we'll see if he can!"

2. Mikio Tsuruya beat Shun'en Ogiwara (10:07) with the Akuji Backdrop. (**)
- Tsuruya, the formerly awkward heavyweight out of the Sakaigama Puroesu Gumi, has recently bloomed into his own as a top-tier member of Pro-Wrestling CRIMSON.  This was sort of a homecoming for Tsuruya, having competed on Victory Japan and Ichimi Gun shows in the past.  He caught a fair amount of trouble from the always violent Ogiwara, and there was bloodshed from both men after a brawl around the 1st Ring.  Tsuruya won out a chair-shot duel in the end, before dunking the Yokohama Dragon with a vicious backdrop.
- Tsuruya: "I was glad to come back and show support for TSUKYO.  I'm excited to be on the next show as well."
- Ogiwara: "What happened to that little shit from Sakaigama's dojo?! [...] I'll get him next time!"

3. Akitoshi Mikami, DOKUGA & Yasushi Ito beat Shinji Oshima, Masa Adachi & Joshyn Hasagawa (12:54) when Ito pinned Hasagawa after the Gekijin elbow drop. (***)
- Something of a throwback match to Hokkaido Puroresu, the Osaka City Heidan continuing to cause trouble for the Hokkaido faithful.  Monsterous DOKUGA received a heavy amount of boos, as it was he who ended TSUKYO's last match via referree stop at Hokkaido Puroresu's final rally.  The upstart team of Oshima and Adachi showed off some double-team tactics, but couldn't overcome the OCH's experience.  Ito picked up a big personal win, finally pinning veteran Hasagawa with his diving elbow.

- DOKUGA: "Hokkaido may be dead but we'll always be around to beat those jackasses! [...] Speaking of, isn't this where little Hiromi spends his time lately?  I'll never get tired of spilling his blood!"
- Hasagawa: "I don't pretend to understand TSUKYO's style...but I hope he gets better!"

A short intermission was held here.  TSUKYO once again spoke over the house mic.  He pointed out former Burning Spirit Pro-Wrestling CEO/President Koji Tanaka in the crowd, who received skeptical applause.  Tanaka-san joined TSUKYO in the ring and commended him for, as he put, "inspiring such a devout following."  He announced that he would personally see that TSUKYO's medical coverage was paid for, and urged TSUKYO to return to action if possible.

Tanaka then introduced the two men set to debut on 4/24, Yasuo Okizawa and Jorge Uchida.  He read their stats to the crowd:

Yasuo Okizawa
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 193 lbs
Date of Birth: 12/19/1981
Place of Birth: Fujimi, Saitama
Background: An amaresu standout during his school years, Okizawa approached Yujiro about training in the Burning Dojo when his bid to enter the Japanese 2004 Athens Olympic wrestling team failed. He trained with Yujiro from November 2004 until Burning Spirit's most recent cease of opperations.  After BSPW folded Okizawa continued to represent his country in amaresu competition.
Statement: "My aim is to take the puroresu community by storm; look forward to seeing me!"

Jorge Uchida
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 157 lbs.
Date of Birth: 09/10/90
Place of Birth: "Mexico City, Hokkaido"
Background: Claiming to hail from Mexico City, Hokkaido native Shinichi "Jorge" Uchida professes a love of his "home" country, along with tequila and the sport of surfing.
Statement: "I want to study lucha libre, but this will do for now!"

Both men shook hands and promised to aim high with their careers.

4. Tetsuhiro Kaneda & Daichi Matsumoto beat Kenji Yujiro & Hiromi Hasegawa (13:43) when Matsumoto pinned Hasegawa after the Fujin-ikou Powerbomb. (**3/4)
- The CHAOTICS team had their work cut out for them against two of the indy scene's toughest.  Yujiro and Hasegawa carried Ichimi flags, and used them as weapons during the bought.  Kaneda and Matsumoto's experence would prove to be too much to overcome in the end; Kaneda ducked the Yujiro Bomber and threw Kenji with a half-nelson suplex, as Daichi nearly powerbombed Hasegawa out of his boots.

- Tetsuhiro Kaneda: "TSUKYO and I have been friends for a long time; I'm glad to help him out."
- Hiromi Hasegawa: "Damn, that kid is strong! [...] It's been a while since there's been an independent card of note...I try with my small shows, but this felt nice! [...] Yes, I heard what DOKUGA said.  If he wants to continue our little war after all of this time, he knows where to find me."

5. Seiichi Yamura beat Taro Nakayama (26:12) with the Kagemusha. (***1/4)
- Two of the Ichimi Gun's top loyalists met in the main event, and fought hard in the name of their fallen friend.  Both men entered draped in the Ichimi Army flag, and shook hands before the bout.  The moment the bell rang their demeanor change, as they began trading heavy elbow shots to the crowd's applause.  As with many Ichimi matches the fight eventually spilled outside, with several chairs and a table being brought out.  They brawled for a few minutes, Nakayama finally having enough and rolling Yamura inside (along with the table).  Back in he leveled Seiichi with a knee kick before setting up the table in the corner.  He tried to whip Yamura into it, but found it reversed, Nakayama crashing hard into the table but not breaking it!  Yamura climbed to the top as the 10 minute gong was called, and attempted a missile dropkick, but Taro dodged out of the way.  Yamura tried to scramble up but Taro was waiting, charging off the ropes and leveling him with an elbow smash.  He set the table up mid-ring, rolling Yamura onto it.  Taro went up and let out a scream, before leaping off with a diving body press...only for Yamura to roll out of the way, Nakayama this time crashing through the middle of the table!  Yamura got to his feet as Taro tried to prop himself back up, clutching his stomach, but Yamura backed up and nearly kicked his teeth in with the Bousatsu!  Nakayama fought through the pain and got to a knee, but Yamura was relentless, charging in and decking him with the Hagakure!  Yamura made the cover...but Nakayama kicked out at 2.9!  He pulled Nakayama up and attempted to lift the big man into the Kagemusha, but Nakayama elbowed out of it, before knee-kicking him point blank in the jaw!  Yamura staggered back and was scooped up by Nakayama, who dunked him on his head with a death valley bomb!  He made a cover of his own, but Yamura managed to shoulder up at 2.9, the 1st Ring crowd shouting calls for both men.  Nakayama slapped the mat in frustration and went up top for another diving body press.  This time Yamura would get his knees up, Taro crashing stomach-first!  Yamura wasted no time, pulling Nakayama up and hauling him into the Kagemusha!  He made a cover...but Nakayama stubbornly threw him off at 2.5!  Both men rolled to their feet, Yamura beating Nakayama to the punch and kicking him with another Bousatsu!  Nakayama let out a battle cry and slapped the mat, refusing to go down, but took another stiff kick to the face!  He appeared out on his feet, Yamura scooping him up and dunking him with another Kagemusha!  This time his cover found three counts, Nakayama finally staying down!

Afterwards the two men shook hands and hug mid-ring to applause.  They were joined by TSUKYO, who lead the crowd in an "I-CHI-MI!" chant to close out the evening...

- Seiichi Yamura: "That was a war...thank you Taro! [...] Tonight was a complete success...we will announce the card for 4/24 soon!"
- Taro Nakayama: "Yamura has grown much stronger...hopefully, I have as well. [...] It is my prayer that TSUKYO will return to the ring.  The puroresu community, especially the independents, need a figurehead with his passion."

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